VFW Post 5408 has been chosen to host the First Fundraiser Event of the year for the New Desert Storm National War Memorial to be built on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
The fundraiser will be held in conjunction with our Labor Day Celebration Party at the post on Monday 4 September 2017 from 12 noon to 7 PM.
SPECIAL MENTION: Our Department Commander for Georgia, Richard Attaway issued a challenge that if we raise $10,000 the state department would match that amount toward the memorial building fund.
VFW District #1 started us off with a generous $200 donation.
There will be a live band, food/$5 per plate and silent auction planned. Come on out and make a donation; every little bit counts. Come out and join us for some good food, and great fun.
I’m asking ALL my Georgia local Desert Storm brothers and sisters in the Atlanta area to come out to join us and build this proud coalition again. Donations from ALL are welcome!
Please Donate what you can, every little bit helps!