There appears to be three distinct groups that comprise the membership of VFW Post 5408.
The first group is mainly concerned with keeping the Post financially stable which involves raising funds by asking for donations, conducting raffles, provide gaming, hold community events and providing an open canteen. Bottom line, Post funding is the primary goal for these members.
The second group is mainly concerned with assisting veterans and their families. The assistance is in the form of grants to needy veterans, assisting veterans with VA disability claims and providing other services that promote veterans and assist those alive and honor those that are deceased. Bottom line, Post funding is important but not the primary goal for these members.
The third group is mainly concerned with frequenting the Post during events or keeping a seat warm at the canteen. Bottom line, the primary goal for these members is self-indulgence which has its place in providing revenue for the Post.
While all three groups’ make-up the Post membership, groups 1 and 2 provide a positive influence in sustaining the Post and its mission to assist veterans.