March 2020 Post 5408 Meeting & Nominations
March’s VFW Post 5408 Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 10:00. March is also the month when we nominate officers for the 2020-2021 year. Per the VFW Bylaws, Post members in good standing can accept nomination for any office. Those looking to accept nomination should do so in person or via written letter. Those letters from the candidate for office need to be presented by the nominating person to the Post Adjutant prior to the start of nominations. Those who are nominated will have three to five minutes to present what they will do if elected to the Post Members.
Each March, Post Nominations Are Open for the following Post Positions:
- Post Commander
- Senior Vice Commander
- Junior Vice Commander
- Post Quartermaster
- Chaplain
- 3 Year Trustee
- 2 Year Trustee
- 1 Year Trustee
- Judge Advocate
- Surgeon
- House Committee Members (4 seats)
Post members and Auxiliary members meet monthly on the third Saturday of each month.